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List G Barristers

List G Barristers (List G) is Victoria’s leading commercial and public law list and barrister clerking service. The organisation’s prestige derives both from its members—barristers who have worked on some of Australia’s highest profile cases—and the many benefits of joining List G.

List G operates as a “list-owned” model, which means its barristers own, operate, and are invested in the company’s success and reputation. Barrister lists occupy a specific niche in the legal world, rendering conventional marketing efforts largely irrelevant. Over the years, List G--with its commitment to contemporary, practical innovation--has held uncontested market leadership, and benefits from far-reaching brand awareness.  

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List G’s website is its most important marketing asset. Solicitors review barrister information and typically make on-the-spot decisions about whether he or she is right person to partner with on a case.

On review, however, the business recognised its online presence was outdated and did not reflect a modern philosophy. This is important, as list quality and distinctive, identifiable branding are core considerations for solicitors looking to engage a barrister.

The team was ready for a total brand refresh and a new website—something that blended elegance, gravitas, and forward thinking. Our task was to develop a digital asset that highlighted the quality of the list, and allowed solicitors to quickly and easily find a barrister with a pre-determined skillset and expertise.

At Evolution 7, we love a good challenge, so we dove right in.

Give the people what they want.

Because barristers are List G’s key asset, we had to understand the how, where, when, and why of the search experience. We interviewed solicitors and barristers to uncover the information most important and relevant to them when navigating a site like List G.

Interviewees pointed to a range of search patterns: looking for a familiar face or name, finding contact details for a barrister they already know and trust, or conducting a detailed search for someone whose experience is relevant to a case. This lead us to the guiding insight that the list website should function both as a way to search for a barrister, and as a directory tool to surface contact details for known members.

We then applied these insights at a UX workshop with key stakeholders. By the end of the day, we’d arrived at a sleek, intuitive user journey able to accommodate visitors of all ages and levels of tech-savvy.

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A brand new brand.

Stylish sophistication rests at the heart of List G’s new brand. We paid homage to the brand’s original primary colour (a vibrant yellow), muting it slightly and drawing in other complementary colours to round out a new, modern look.

In addition to a fresh colour palette, we also supplied List G a new logo, font family, and photography art direction. We agreed that, for this project, standard headshots would not suffice; instead, barrister photography had to be executed in a way that kept List G a cut above the rest.  

Our lead designer, Andrew, worked alongside List G and a team of photographers to ensure everything from posing to positioning, lighting, and set matched up with our shared vision.

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Real-time results.

Before we came on board, the List G website was dated, unresponsive, and had a rather clunky UX. We were tasked with reconfiguring the site to capture the organisation’s reputation for cutting-edge list marketing, generating leads, and appealing to future members and advocates.

Our research revealed that the List G barrister directory was the most important and searched section of the site. To simplify and sophisticate this experience, we used Algolia to incorporate powerful search and filtering functions. At the click of a button, users could now instantly surface card-style previews of barristers across preselected areas of expertise: tort law, intellectual property, commercial law, and so on.

Selecting a barrister from the directory leads the user to a polished profile page, complete with bio, contact information, recent cases, qualifications and, of course, a crisp professional photograph.

Our team also implemented an open-source and reliable technology platform that supports best practices, is standards compliant, and covers key requirements for SEO, accessibility, and social media. Most importantly, we successfully delivered a sharper, more elegant online experience for users, and freshened up List G’s esteemed brand.

“The project management and development teams were dynamic, responsive and supportive. I particularly appreciated their flexibility as the design and functionality evolved. We are thrilled with the completed site.” – Jane King, CEO
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