Btb Hero

BTB Australia

Turnkey Telco

Short for Building Telco Businesses, BTB Australia offers a unique and extensive product set to help prospective telecommunications and hosting providers get their businesses up and running.

Operating in a niche market makes differentiation essential. Fortunately, BTB brings plenty of competitive advantages to the table: outside of their broad range of service offerings, BTB also has an unparalleled data network and healthy relationships with the likes of Telstra and Optus.

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Uncomplicating the complicated

Offering white-labelled provider services frees BTB’s clients from onerous, complex technicalities; instead, they can focus their time and efforts on customer acquisition, retention, and care.

Because BTB’s business model hinges on convenience and accessibility, we devised a digital solution to do the same. Prior to engaging our team, BTB relied almost exclusively on word of mouth marketing and referral business; to keep pace with smaller competitors--many of whom had already built out sophisticated digital presences--we agreed it was time to reimagine BTB’s website as a marketing tool.

To help users quickly and easily locate relevant products and convince them of BTB’s standing as a premium, trusted, and reliable solution, we concepted a new website with smart, simple navigation and messaging. Proactively attending to customers’ needs is a proven way to increase conversion, so the next logical step was to nail down precisely which eyes BTB wanted on their business.

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Identifying audiences

Before diving into design and development, we paused to critically evaluate BTB’s target audience. During this phase we gathered plenty of insights, some of which prompted a reconsideration of previously held assumptions. For example, where once it might have been safe to assume people landing on BTB’s website would have a certain level of sector knowledge, today an increasing proportion of sales-oriented decision makers visiting the site meant communications had to strike an appropriate balance of technical and accessible.

Our research also helped give face and context to BTB’s audience: these individuals tended to be men between the ages of 30 and 50 who were either business owners themselves or in an IT/Product Manager capacity for a large organisation. They appreciate high-quality digital and IT solutions, but being time poor highlighted the importance of building an experience that allowed them to quickly “get” BTB’s business model and products.

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Streamlining the customer experience

Recognising how important time savings are to BTB’s customers, we got to work crafting a site that supported easy, efficient decision making.

We structured the homepage in a way that succinctly and accurately captured BTB’s key selling points; this made sure users (often the decision makers themselves) were exposed to high-order features and benefits early and often. Compelling microcopy, complemented by bold imagery, strong typography, and smooth transitions, brought our vision of a fluid, intuitive user experience to life.

Conveying BTB’s brand personality was also important, as it creates added appeal for prospective customers. Publishing an energetic introductory video (delivered by BTB’s CEO) not only humanised the business, but explained BTB’s business model and competitive advantages in a relatable, reliable way. We also incorporated case studies and social proofing to support BTB’s position at the forefront of technology.  

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Boosting reach and market share

BTB engaged us to taking a complex product offering and simplify the decision-making process for customers. The redeveloped website now delivers a comprehensive and engaging user experience, and supports marketing performance insights thanks to an advanced tracking and analytics program care of our strategy crew.

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